Network Solutions
Modern IT networks form the basis and the backbone of the digitalisation of companies and organisations.
They have to meet the constantly increasing demands for flexibility, effectiveness and agility, while at the same time offering stability, fulfilling high quality requirements and being resilient to faults and errors.

Consulting Packages Network Solutions
Software Defined Campus
In the search for a modern network infrastructure for the Software-Defined-Campus network that can cope with the increased requirements with the current resources, many IT managers in companies are orienting themselves towards the concept of Software-Defined-Networking (SDN).
Controlware offers corresponding services for the analysis, planning and design:
- Phase 0: Software Defined Campus - Introductory Workshop
Controlware offers the customer an introductory or orientation workshop for Software Defined Campus infrastructures (either onsite or online presentation). The workshop serves to convey the common terminologies, the basic technological understanding, as well as the market environment.
Main contents:
- Overview of Software Defined Campus infrastructures
- Market overview of Software Defined Campus vendors and solutions
- High-level introduction to technical facets of Software Defined Campus solutions
As a result, the customer receives the presentation slides in PDF format.
Translated with (free version)
- Phase 1: Software Defined Campus - Requirements Analysis
Controlware offers the customer a consulting service that systematically records the technical requirements for the new Software Defined Network together with the customer as part of a workshop.
The initial infrastructural conditions of the company are recorded as part of the consulting service. The existing infrastructures are also considered. In addition, the possible target architecture and the framework parameters influencing a future design of the new Software Defined Network infrastructures are recorded.
As a result, the customer receives documentation of the collected data and requirements, which can be used as input for the creation of a high-level design of a Software Defined network.
- Phase 2: Software Defined Campus - High Level Design
Controlware offers its customers a consulting service that includes a high-level design based on the documented requirements for the future Software Defined network solution for campus infrastructures. As part of this activity, a network design is created based on a vendor solution supported by Controlware. The determination of which vendor solution this is is made by the customer supported by information from Controlware.
As a result of the service, the customer receives a documentation of the High Level Design, a bill of materials, which can be used as a basis for a budget offer, as well as a calculation of the services required for the implementation of the infrastructure.
- Phase 3: Software Defined Campus - Detailed Level Design
Controlware offers its customers a consulting service that generates a Detailed Design for SD campus infrastructures based on the previously created High Level Design.
As part of this activity, in addition to the necessary detailed configuration templates for the required network components, the necessary measures for converting the existing network to the future Software Defined Network for campus infrastructures are determined in cooperation with the customer and a migration path is planned.As a result of the service, the customer receives documentation of the detailed design, a final bill of materials that can be used as the basis for a binding offer, as well as a final calculation of the services deemed necessary for the implementation of the software design infrastructure. This includes the design creation, the creation of the documentation for the implementation and the configurations of the network components including project management and all supporting processes.
WLAN planning
Controlware offers its customers a consulting and planning service that takes the technical requirements for the new WLAN and creates a WLAN plan based on this data.
- Details
Im Rahmen der Beratungsdienstleistung werden die infrastrukturellen Ausgangsbedingungen der relevanten Lokation(en) für die Implementierung einer WLAN-Infrastruktur aufgenommen.
Darüber hinaus wird die mögliche WLAN-Zielarchitektur auf Basis einer vorab festgelegten Herstellerlösung sowie die Rahmenparameter, die ein zukünftiges Design der neuen Wireless-Netzwerk-Infrastrukturen beeinflussen, festgestellt. Im Anschluss daran wird auf Basis der Anforderungen eine Funknetzplanung für das geforderte WLAN erstellt und dokumentiert. Abschließend wird eine Liste der benötigen WLAN-Infrastrukturkomponenten erzeugt.
Als Ergebnis erhält der Kunde eine detaillierte WLAN-Funknetzplanung auf Basis seiner Anforderungen, eine Dokumentation der gesammelten Daten und der benötigten Infrastrukturkomponenten, die als Input für die Erstellung eines Angebotes genutzt werden kann.
WAN Assessment: We examine your wide area network
With the Controlware WAN Assessment, we help our customers get an overview of the status quo of their wide area network.
- Details
- Überblick über die WAN-Topologie
- Welche Applikationen und Protokolle werden genutzt?
- Zu welcher Tageszeit / an welchem Wochentag benötigt welche Applikation / welches Protokoll / welcher Endpunkt wieviel Bandbreite?
- Wie stark sind die vorhandenen Leitungen ausgelastet?
- Gibt es besonders auffällige Fehler?
Die Controlware Revisionsstand-Analyse für die Weitverkehrsnetzinfrastruktur (WAN) ist eine Ergänzung der Controlware Basis-Analyse des WAN. Dabei werden die Revisionsstände der eingesetzten Hard- und Software ermittelt, sowie festgestellt, ob Komponenten vorhanden sind, die nicht mehr dem aktuellen Stand der Technik entsprechen. Der Kunde erhält eine entsprechende schriftliche Auswertung.
Die Controlware Optimierungs-Analyse für die Weitverkehrsnetzinfrastruktur (WAN) ist eine Ergänzung der Controlware Basis- und Revisionsstand-Analyses des WAN. Dabei wird überprüft, ob die eingesetzten Komponenten fehlerfrei zusammen arbeiten. Weiterhin wird eine Empfehlung erstellt, welche ergänzenden Funktionen bzw. Konfigurationen geeignet wären, Betriebsvorteile zu erlangen.
Software development IaC
In order to approach the subject of software development in the field of network, to be able to evaluate the framework parameters and requirements that entail related activities, Controlware supports customers with coordinated consulting services.
- Phase 0: Introduction and orientation workshop
In order to approach the topic of software development in the area of networking, we support you with coordinated consulting services for "Infrastructure as Code, IaC". In the first stage of these services we offer you an introductory or orientation workshop.
The objective of the workshop is to convey the terminologies commonly used in connection with software development for network infrastructures, the market trends as well as the basic technological understanding for the implementation of software development projects.
An overview of possible software tools and development concepts will round off the workshop. - Phase 1: Practical workshop
In order to approach the topic of software development in the area of networking, we support you with coordinated consulting services on "Infrastructure as Code, IaC". In the first stage of these services we offer you a practical workshop on this topic.
The objective of the workshop is to convey the procedures commonly used in connection with software development for network infrastructures from the perspective of practical applications in the context of real project situations.
Managed Services Network Solutions
Solution offer
- Campus Networks
Enterprise IT departments are under intense pressure to provide stable, secure and performant connectivity to more and more users and devices.
Enable your end users to access the enterprise resources they need in a stable and secure way - wired or wireless and highly automated up to control via AI.- Fixed local area networks
- Wireless Local Area Networks (WiFi-x and Private 5G)
- Network access policies
- Operational Technology (OT) Networks
- Software-defined campus networks
- Data Center Networks
Connecting the IT heart of the enterprise securely, with high performance and efficiency.
With a network architecture model that is state-of-the-art, towards agile and virtualized hyper-converged solutions that offer businesses maximum efficiency and scalability - and open wide the door to the cloud.- Data Center Switching
- Software Defined DC Networking
- Wide Area Networks
Wide Area Networks are the backbone of modern enterprise IT architectures: Smart and flexible, they enable secure and stable connectivity of sites, home offices and employees to corporate resources.
- Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
- Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN)
- Integration in SASE architectures
Partner Network Solutions
Do you have any questions? The Business Development Team "Network Solutions" is at your disposal.